Our Blue Marble

Our Blue Marble

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I am a ship on the wind of time,
Often it’s stormy, but sometimes it’s fine.
I sought to be free, to express the true me.
But I’m bound to the past, the world holds me fast.
What I thought was free will, is the story I tell,
As I see the future for good or for ill.

I am a ship on the wind of time
I wish to choose, but the choice isn’t mine.
I now have to know that I go with the flow.
The path is laid out, if I like it or no.
I am just as free as an ant or a flea.
I just have to follow my own destiny.

I am a ship on the wind of time
Blown this way and that, a meandering line.
I don't have to know where I am to go,
I don't have to view what I’m going to do.
I’d  like to think that my will is higher,
But I’m part of the pattern woven by Gaia.

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